About Us

The Human Resource Policy and Staffing Directorate have the responsibility to provide adequate staff at the appropriate levels on the best possible conditions of service as to maintain a contented and Public Service. We also have responsibility for the preparation and maintenance of General Orders for the public service.

Our Functions

Manpower Planning

The staffing (posts not persons) of the entire Civil Service whether on a permanent or temporary basis.

Wages and Compensation Management

The determination of levels and rates of salaries, allowances, increments and incremental credit. In addition, the administration of the policy on pension and other retiring awards in the Public Service.

Classification and Grading

The organized division of the post into categories appropriate to the content of the job and the further sub-division of these categories into grades to accord with the level of responsibility and competencies required to perform the job.

Employee Relations

The creation of policies that are fair and consistent for all Public Officers and that will strengthen the employee- employer relationship.

Industrial Relations/ Conditions of Service

Negotiation and consultation with accredited employees’ organisations on conditions of service of public officers and employees.

Formulating the Policy and the General Rules and Regulations

Applicable to other conditions of service such as: hours of attendance,  leave,  leave passages,  travelling,  the qualifications required for appointment to posts throughout the Service and for passing beyond Bars in salary scales, housing and other conditions of service.