What information do I need to submit when completing the application to remedy a prejudice?
You will need to upload information on your “Continuous Acting/Temporary Appointments”, in a separate word, excel, etc. document/s.
Include the reasons why you think you have been prejudiced.
Clearly name each document you upload. For example, “Acting Appointment Jan-Apr 2020 John Doe” or “Extended Reasons for Prejudice John Doe”.
What happens after I submit my application to remedy a prejudice?
You will receive a notice by email that the application was successfully submitted to the Ministry of the Public Service (please check spam/junk mail for notice).
Governor General receives notice that the application was submitted by the Applicant.
Ministry of the Public Service uploads all relevant information about Applicant for the consideration of the Governor General.
Ministry of the Public Service submits the application to the Governor General.
Applicant receives notice that the application has been submitted to the Governor General.
Governor General makes a determination about the Application.
The decision of the Governor General is received by the Applicant and the Ministry of the Public Service.
The Application process ends.
The Ministry of the Public Service sends appointment letter to Applicant who was appointed by the Governor General.